What Can You Do to Treat a Dry Scalp?

Written by Dr. Griffin

How do you revive a dry scalp? Our Philadelphia-area team at the Griffin Hair Restoration Center can help you address this and other conditions that affect the health of your hair.

A dry, itching scalp is a problem that around half of the population has dealt with at some time in their lifetime. Itching, flaking, and irritation are some of the most common symptoms associated with dryness, which occurs when your skin doesn’t have enough of the oil it needs to stay moisturized.

Some of the most common causes of a dry scalp are washing the hair too often and stripping away the natural oils, underwashing, an allergic reaction that occurs because of exposure to certain hair products such as shampoos and soaps, poor nutrition, genetics, and scalp psoriasis or seborrhea. The last two are dermatologic conditions that require prescribed medications to control.

Although dryness does not directly cause hair loss, the irritation can cause you to scratch your scalp more. Scratching can injure the hair follicles there, which can lead to some hair loss.

The good news is that treating a dry scalp is easier now than it ever has been before. The best method for treating the inflammation and itchiness depends on what’s causing the condition. Here are several tips to try if you are experiencing chronic itching and dryness:

Avoid Hair Products with Alcohol

If you want to prevent scalp dryness, we recommend avoiding alcohol and other ingredients that can be irritating or drying to the scalp, such as sulfate, menthol, and eucalyptus. Also, be sure to avoid using too much product in your hair when you’re styling it, since the product buildup can make it too oily. 

Drink Enough Water 

Simply drinking more water to ensure your body and skin are getting the hydration you need can help you to reduce the risk of dry scalp. 

Change Your Immediate Environment

During the warmer months, try a hat and sunblock to keep your scalp protected. Investing in a humidifier will help you to counteract dryness. 

Adjust Your Washing Habits

Be careful about the shampoo and conditioner combo you use if you want to control a dry scalp. Also, be sure to wash your hair with warm or lukewarm rather than scorching hot water. Aloe, chamomile, sage, and panthenol are some of the best ingredients to look for when choosing hair products. Conditioning after shampooing is very important for preventing dryness of the hair shafts, which can lead to breakage.

Ready to learn more about how to preserve healthy hair and combat scalp dryness? Call us at (215) 561-9100 or send a message online.