Who is an Ideal Candidate for PRP Treatments for Hair Loss?

Written by Dr. Griffin

Thinning hair is a condition many people are concerned about, especially as they get older. It’s normal to shed some hair strands each day—and you may not even notice it, because hairs grow back to replace the ones that have fallen out. However, there may actually be a bigger problem if you’re noticing signs such as bald spots, a widening part, a receding hairline, a thinner ponytail, or the loss of an excess amount of hair. If this is an issue for you, don’t ignore the signs. The first step you should take is to talk to a doctor and determine whether an underlying medical condition might be causing the hair loss. There are surgical solutions, such as a hair transplant, that may be highly effective for some patients. Others may consider a non-surgical option like PRP for hair restoration from our Philadelphia-area practice. 

It’s estimated that as many as 80 million Americans suffer from a genetic disorder that causes thinning hair known as alopecia. Although it is common, the disorder can still cause emotional stress and be a blow to self-confidence.

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is helpful for patients in this situation because it provides nutrients for dormant hair follicles in the scalp, stimulating them so that they begin growing new hairs. It also supports the remaining active hair follicles. 

The best patients for this procedure are those who are experiencing early hair loss and shedding hair excessively but aren’t completely bald and still have intact hair follicles. It’s best for hair loss that’s caused by alopecia. Men and women both can benefit from PRP, but women often seek it out sooner, whereas men may decide to wait until baldness has started. PRP is ideal for those who are looking for a treatment that’s more comfortable, has no downtime, and produces more natural-looking results compared to a hair transplant. The earlier you can begin treatments, the better. For more information on PRP for hair restoration, contact the Griffin Hair Restoration Center. For more hair loss solutions, call us at (215) 561-9100 or send a message online to request a consultation and meet with our team.