5 Things You Can Do to Improve Your PRP Results

Written by Dr. Griffin

We all want healthy, lush hair, but unfortunately hereditary conditions, stress, and other medical conditions can cause us to experience thinning hair at some point in our lifetime. Even mild hair loss can have a negative impact on the self-esteem, body image, and self-confidence of both men and women. Aside from hair transplant surgery, another option to consider is PRP for hair loss. Our Philadelphia-based Griffin Hair Restoration Center team advises patients who are having this treatment to do their own research beforehand so that they have a better understanding of what’s involved.

We’ve highlighted five techniques you can use before and after your injections to optimize the outcome from these minimally invasive PRP treatments.

1. Take Steps to Minimize Bleeding and Bruising

We encourage patients to stop taking anti-inflammatory medicines and thinners or other herbs or supplements that have the effect of thinning the blood several days before having a PRP session—if it is medically safe to do so, of course. Let our physicians know about any medications you’re taking, and talk to your primary care physician before discontinuing any prescribed medications.

2. Wash Your Hair Before Your Appointment

It’s safe to wash your hair on the morning before your treatment or the day before.

3. Have a Light Meal or Snack Before

You don’t want to feel faint or dizzy when blood is taken, so it’s better not to go to your appointment when you’re feeling hungry or dehydrated.

4. Avoid Washing Your Hair for a Few Days

After having PRP, you shouldn’t wash the treatment area for at least 48 hours and should refrain from using hair products, skin products, or medications during that time. Avoid using hair dye or coloring treatments for around a week.

5. Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure and Heat

For at least a few days after PRP to treat hair loss, you should try to keep sun exposure to a minimum and wear a clean hat to protect the treatment area if you’re going out.

Interested in getting to know more about the benefits of PRP from The Griffin Hair Restoration Center of Philadelphia? Call us at (215) 561-9100 or submit a contact form to request an appointment.