Eyebrow Transplant

Written by Dr. Griffin

Make Eyebrows Look Fuller and More Refined with Advanced Surgical Techniques in Philadelphia

The eyebrows are important features that frame the face. In addition to serving a cosmetic purpose, they also have other functional benefits, such as keeping moisture out of the eyes by directing sweat and rain away, reducing the amount of light and dirt that gets into the eyes, allowing us to express emotions for communication, and helping us to recognize faces. An eyebrow transplant at Philadelphia’s Griffin Hair Restoration Center—also known as eyebrow restoration—is an effective way to restore hair growth in the eyebrow area.

Want more information about an eyebrow transplant in Philadelphia? Contact The Griffin Hair Restoration Center by calling (215) 561-9100, or submit a contact form to request a consultation and learn about ways to restore thicker hair.

What Causes Eyebrow Hair Loss?

Why are my eyebrows getting thinner? There are a number of causes of eyebrow hair loss. Hair loss can refer to an over-thinning of the eyebrows, patchiness, or baldness of the entire eyebrow region. The most common problems that can be treated by an eyebrow transplant include:

  • Over-plucking of eyebrows that results in permanent thinning or hair loss
  • Naturally thin eyebrows
  • Hair loss to due illness
  • Trauma or surgery that has left scar tissue in the eyebrow region, resulting in hair loss in that area
  • Certain skin conditions

Before agreeing to perform an eyebrow transplant, Dr. Thomas Griffin will ensure that he understands the cause of hair loss, as certain types of hair loss cannot be reversed via hair transplant.

What Is an Eyebrow Transplant and How Does It Work?

How do eyebrow transplants work? Are eyebrow transplants worth it?

Eyebrow transplants make your brows look fuller. Just as with other types of hair transplant procedures, eyebrow transplant involves the harvesting of hair follicles from a donor site on the patient’s head and their transplantation to the recipient site—in this case, the eyebrow area.

An eyebrow transplant is a cosmetic surgery that helps you to fill in your eyebrows and give them a fuller appearance without the need for makeup. The hairs that are transferred thicken the brows or replace hairs that have been lost. When the skin heals after eyebrow transplant surgery, the brows will look more prominent. This has many benefits for patients, including enhancing their appearance, boosting their confidence, and allowing them to no longer have to rely on makeup for a “complete” look.

There are two main eyebrow transplant techniques: strip harvesting and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Regardless of the method used for eyebrow transplant surgery, Dr. Griffin will work to extract the finest hairs from the back of the patient’s head, since finer hair more closely resembles natural eyebrow hair.

  • Strip harvesting: Follicular unit transplantation (strip harvesting) involves removing a strip of hair and transplanting individual hair follicles to improve the definition and contours of the eyebrows.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): For this technique, individual hairs are taken from the donor site. This strategy offers many benefits, including the lack of a linear scar and less recovery time.

Eyebrow transplant surgery works the same as any other type of hair transplant procedure. Before the surgery begins, the patient and doctor will work together along with an eyebrow artist in the practice to draw the eyebrow shape onto the face. Some patients wish to replicate the exact look of their eyebrows from earlier years, while others want a slightly different shape or thickness.

Once the hair follicles are collected and prepared, they are carefully transplanted into the eyebrow region. Dr. Griffin will implant each individual hair precisely to match the natural pattern of hair growth in the area. The angle of placement is very important and must be carefully considered in order to achieve a natural-looking result.

Eyebrow hair transplants are performed similarly to scalp hair transplants, but they require an additional level of skill and artistry to achieve an aesthetically pleasing result. Eyebrows are an important feature of the face in how they frame and define the eyes. A well-executed eyebrow transplant can complement the face, while a poorly performed surgery can greatly detract from the patient’s appearance.

Who Is a Good Candidate for an Eyebrow Transplant?

If you want to restore your eyebrows using your natural hair, you may be a good candidate. There are many reasons why you might consider an eyebrow transplant. Individuals who may be ideal candidates for eyebrow transplant surgery range from those who want to make a purely cosmetic change to those who have suffered from trichotillomania and patients who have had physical trauma to the brow area or surgical treatments that cause hair loss.

In most cases, anyone who has naturally thin or sparse eyebrows, has lost hair because of trauma, has a scar where hair doesn’t grow, or has bald spots due to aging or aggressive hair removal treatments could be an ideal candidate for eyebrow transplant surgery. Those who are cancer patients in remission or who want to cover up unsightly or discolored tattoos or microblading could also be good candidates.

Contact The Griffin Hair Restoration Center for more advice about an eyebrow transplant in Philadelphia. Call (215) 561-9100, or submit a contact form to request a consultation and learn about how to restore fuller hair.

How Do You Prepare for Eyebrow Transplant Surgery?

Prior to your eyebrow transplant surgery, you will have a consultation. We will help you decide on which brow shape will be best for your face. The ideal eyebrow shape varies from individual to individual. It can sometimes be difficult to decide which look you want, but we can help guide you on the ideal eyebrow shape based on your hair type.

What Is the Procedure for an Eyebrow Transplant?

Eyebrow transplant surgery works similarly to a surgical hair transplant: Hair is transferred from a donor site to the brow area. Hairs will often be removed from the back of the scalp, then inserted one by one after the eyebrow area has been numbed. The eyebrow transplant procedure is performed with the patient under local anesthesia and is relatively painless. As each hair becomes embedded, it will develop its own network of blood vessels to supply and nourish it.

What Is Recovery Like After an Eyebrow Transplant?

Recovery from eyebrow transplant varies based upon each patient’s unique reaction to the procedure. The eye area is a sensitive area of the body, and swelling is more likely here. Some patients will experience redness, puffiness, and swelling around their eyes for several days following eyebrow transplant surgery, while others will experience very little at all. Most people do not find the recovery period to be painful and are able to manage any pain with over-the-counter pain medications. Applying cold compresses to the area can help alleviate discomfort and swelling.

Dr. Griffin recommends that his patients allow at least 24 hours before resuming normal activities and avoid any strenuous activities and exercise for at least one week to reduce the risk of bleeding and prevent injury to the donor and recipient sites. Patients may prefer to take a week off from work after eyebrow transplant surgery in the event they experience redness or swelling around the eye and scabbing of the grafted follicles. Patients are given written instructions as to how to care for the eyebrow transplant..

What Are the Results Like After an Eyebrow Transplant?

Following the surgery, patients should expect to see scabbing at the graft sites for about one week. After two or three weeks, the transplanted hairs will fall out, but new hair will begin to regrow from the new follicles within a few months. Within six to nine months following surgery, most patients experience about 60 percent hair regrowth, with full hair growth occurring within 12 to 18 months after the procedure. Once the eyebrow hair has regrown, the results are permanent. In most cases, only one eyebrow transplant surgery will be needed, but some patients may need an additional surgery to maximize results.

The transplanted hairs will grow faster than normal eyebrow hairs because they maintain the donor site rate of growth at first. Patients can safely trim their eyebrow hairs to give them a more groomed appearance in the meantime. The results from the eyebrow transplant procedure can last a lifetime.

What Is the Cost of an Eyebrow Transplant?

The cost of an eyebrow transplant varies from person to person and is based on a number of factors, including the number of grafts required, the size of the replacement area, and the desired thickness of the eyebrows. Dr. Griffin will provide you with a cost for your eyebrow transplant surgery after your initial consultation.

Which Other Hair Restoration Options Are Available?

The Griffin Hair Restoration Center offers several other hair restoration treatments, including male hair transplant, female hair transplant, and beard transplant. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a non-surgical option for boosting hair growth.

Contact The Griffin Hair Restoration Center for more information about an eyebrow transplant in Philadelphia. Call (215) 561-9100, or submit a contact form to request a consultation and learn about ways to restore fuller, more defined eyebrows.